Starts with rediscovery of a Japanese philosopher Dr.Mikao usui in 18th century named Reiki with the meaning UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE COSMIC ENERGY. But the truth is every human of this universe, right from the beginning, placing loving hand over the other, reduce discomfort heal a wound of treat fever. So it is an ancient universal holistic healing system where we find remarkable and miraculous results.
As soon as you have had your first Reiki attunement it will benefit you to develop your own Reiki routines. Somewhere in your day you need to find time for Reiki self treatments and meditation. These are NOT optional! There is no point in becoming Reiki if you are not going to follow the path!
Firstly, during these 21 days, a lot of cleansing takes place in your body. You must ensure you drink plenty of water and sleep sufficiently. Regular Reiki practice during these days helps remove the negativities accumulated by your body over your lifetime. Each chakra takes roughly 3 days, hence the 21 days.
Secondly, your body is still new to the energy being channelled, and it takes 21 days for it to get adjusted to the new activity. From a psychological aspect too, it has been found that a person takes about 21 days to form a habit.
Most importantly, a lot of reiki students assume that since so much of stress has been laid only on the first 21 days, the days after that must not be important. Quite the contrary, you need to continue practicing Reiki everyday even after the 21-day period. During the 21 days, you must just ensure that you do not miss practice even once, and also remember that the more number you practice, the better the effect.
Daily practice is exteremely beneficial to a channel. It is almost as if a guiding light constantly monitors your progress and well-being. At times, we find that our friend circle is changing, for Reiki causes people who don't contribute to our progress to drift away, and attracts those people who contribute to our progress in some way. Some describe the feeling as a soft blanket keeping them safe and warm all the time.
Reiki takes you in the direction that you want to go. While some people experience gigantic leaps in their spiritual journey, others remain in the same state for years. It is upto you to make a concious effort to determine what matters the most to you in your life, and work in that direction. Reiki will accelerate your progress in that direction.
One needs to have faith in Reiki that whatever is happening to us, is for our own good alone. Becoming a Reiki channel does not mean that you will never have any problems again, or that you will never fall sick again. Problems and pitfalls are often triggers for our progress, and if they are needed, you will be blessed with them. The advantage with Reiki is, it helps you get back up on your feet faster.
Reiki does not work for negative intentions. If you wish bad for somebody and send Reiki to harm him/ her, it will not work. Think positive and wish everyone well.
To offer myself a full Reiki self-treatment, I place my hands on these areas of my body, in this order:
- Crown of head
- Face
- Throat
- Back of head
- Upper chest
- Lower ribs
- Navel
- Lower abdomen.
All animals take the energy they need to heal or relax and on no account does reiki ever cause discomfort, pain or distress. The animal is the healer and the person is just the channel for the healing energy.
Reiki healing can be used alongside veterinary treatment as it does not in any way interfere detrimentally with the treatment, but can help to speed up the healing process, de-stress a sick animal and ease any pain the animal is suffering.
Reiki healing can also be used when an animal is dying as it seems to calm them and prepare them for their journey to the spirit world. When reiki is done for a dying animal the owner can benefit greatly seeing how calm and at peace their beloved pet becomes and it can ease their grief and loss.